Michelle Tobin
Ordinary Member
Michelle Tobin is an Aboriginal woman of the Yorta Yorta Nation and a descendant of the Stolen Generation. She is a mother to two daughters and 6 grandchildren and lives on the Central Coast NSW with her partner of 17 years. She has lived with HIV for over 34 years, lost her husband to HIV and experienced many levels of stigma and discrimination. This drove Michelle to become a passionate, vocal advocate for HIV issues.
Michelle worked with the HIV Speakers Bureau for many years and served on several state-and national-level HIV boards and committees. She sits on the Board of the Anwernekenhe National HIV Alliance. (The ANA) as the representative living with HIV and is a community member and Convener of the Positive Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Network (PATSIN). Michelle is a member of the National Association of People with HIV Australia’s Femme Fatales network and one of two women across Australia who advocate for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people living with HIV. She represents the positive voice of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, especially women, on several advisory committees.
Recently completed a Graduate Diploma in Indigenous Health Promotion -Social Emotional Wellbeing at Sydney University and worked with Positive Life NSW in developing The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Living With or at Risk of HIV Health Co-Designed Project is a needs assessment of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) community of NSW, regarding and with consideration to: accessing and engaging with services (including health and social determinants of health-related services); accessing pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and antiretroviral medication (ART); lifestyle choices, including transience; rates of incarceration/custody; and public health orders.

Il Leichhardt Women's Community Health Centre offre servizi sanitari completi, incentrati sul cliente e basati sui traumi, supporto e formazione a donne emarginate e svantaggiate economicamente.
LWCHC si impegna ad accogliere la diversità ed eliminare ogni forma di discriminazione nella fornitura di servizi sanitari. LWCHC accoglie tutte le donne indipendentemente da etnia, salute mentale, storia di suicidalità, uso di droghe, fede, orientamento sessuale o identità di genere.
Non siamo un centro di consulenza per crisi o un centro di accoglienza. I nostri operatori vedono le donne su appuntamento. Chiamaci per saperne di più o per prenotare un appuntamento: 9560 3011. Se hai una condizione medica urgente, vai direttamente in ospedale o chiama lo 000.
Finanziato da NSW Health

Il Leichhardt Women's Community Health Centre (LWCHC) riconosce e rende omaggio al popolo Gadigal e Wangal della nazione Eora come custodi tradizionali della terra su cui lavoriamo. Riconosciamo la continuazione delle pratiche culturali e spirituali dei popoli aborigeni e delle isole dello Stretto di Torres. LWCHC supporta The Uluru Statement From the Heart.
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