Women Partners of Men who have Sex with Men
Women Partners of Men who have Sex with Men (also known as Women Partners), is an NSW based service that offers individual counselling, support groups and Sexual Health information for all women whose partners are Men who have Sex with Men. Counselling focus often includes infidelity and betrayal trauma, regaining of self-identity, ensuring sexual health wellbeing, and helping women plan for their future including remaining in the relationship or separation.
Other Services:
Counselling is funded for NSW based women only, however sexual health information and referral pathways are available on the Women Partners website for women both Australia wide and globally. The Women Partners service also provides professional development for counsellors, social workers, GPs, and other health professionals via the Webinars hosted on the Women Partners website.
Contacting Women Partners increases psychological and emotional support for women who may be isolated, lonely and feeling stigmatised in their lived experience as Women Partners of Men who have Sex with Men. The website also hosts information on Sexual Health, where to get tested and why it is important, other women’s health resources and professional capacity raising for those working with Women Partners.
Fees: All counselling services for Women Partners are free.
Counselling is ongoing and has no time limitations.
Free Support Groups run online for a period of 6 weeks.
Sexual health testing via the GPs may have some costs involved. Please refer to the Fees page.
Contact details:
Call us on 02 9560 3011 or toll free on 1800 787 887
Visit our website: https://www.womenpartners.org.au/
Email us: womenpartners@lwchc.org.au
Follow us on social media: https://www.facebook.com/womenpartners
Contattaci oggi
Il Leichhardt Women's Community Health Centre offre servizi sanitari completi, incentrati sul cliente e basati sui traumi, supporto e formazione a donne emarginate e svantaggiate economicamente.
LWCHC si impegna ad accogliere la diversità ed eliminare ogni forma di discriminazione nella fornitura di servizi sanitari. LWCHC accoglie tutte le donne indipendentemente da etnia, salute mentale, storia di suicidalità, uso di droghe, fede, orientamento sessuale o identità di genere.
Non siamo un centro di consulenza per crisi o un centro di accoglienza. I nostri operatori vedono le donne su appuntamento. Chiamaci per saperne di più o per prenotare un appuntamento: 9560 3011. Se hai una condizione medica urgente, vai direttamente in ospedale o chiama lo 000.
Finanziato da NSW Health

Il Leichhardt Women's Community Health Centre (LWCHC) riconosce e rende omaggio al popolo Gadigal e Wangal della nazione Eora come custodi tradizionali della terra su cui lavoriamo. Riconosciamo la continuazione delle pratiche culturali e spirituali dei popoli aborigeni e delle isole dello Stretto di Torres. LWCHC supporta The Uluru Statement From the Heart.
© Copyright 2024 Leichhardt Women's Community Health Centre.