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(02) 9560 3011


I’ve been coming to Leichhardt Women’s since 1991 and I’ve known about it probably since the 80s. I like the ambience, it being not so much in a surgery. The staff were always very helpful and I felt comfortable the first time I came in...

At first I was seeing the doctors and the nurse and I was getting a massage occasionally. I’ve also been getting acupuncture on and off as I’ve needed it.

I always feel much better in myself when I come in and have professionals who have studied women’s health. I prefer to come to Leichhardt Women’s rather than to see another GP, especially when it’s to do with women’s health problems because I feel there’s been a difference, they’re particularly looking at issues to do with women’s health and I feel there’s more empathy. I feel a lot more comfortable than I do in other places, especially when you get particular examinations.

The acupuncture and physio treatments here have helped with my neck and wrists a lot and that, along with the exercise in the groups, was very beneficial. They’ve given me stretches and stuff for home as well, I don’t need to go to a class every single week. If I go to something a couple of times, then I can balance that with doing my own exercises at home.

I have kept in touch with at least three of the women I met through the centre. It didn’t happen straight away, but since 2005, some were in the same groups as me, Qi Gong, and dance therapy, and we connected to each other. At the end of one of the Qi Gong classes we swapped contact details and now we go out and see movies together. We’ve been to each other’s places for lunch and we meet for coffee. It’s good to have a couple of women who live in the area, it makes it easy to connect.

They always look at what they can do things. It’s good they’re putting on new groups for women who have been coming for a long time. There are other women’s health centres, but none like this one. When I have the blood pressure taken at the women’s centre, the blood pressure reading is fine, but when I go to my regular GP doctor and he takes it, it’s up! I think because you’ve got to wait two or three hours to see him and that builds the pressure up. It’s always been fine when I’m at Leichhardt Women’s.

“When I have the blood pressure taken at the women’s centre, the blood pressure reading is fine, but when I go to my regular GP and he takes it, it’s up! I think because you’ve got to wait two or three hours to see him and that builds the pressure up. It’s always been fine when I’m at Leichhardt Women’s.”

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Il Leichhardt Women's Community Health Centre offre servizi sanitari completi, incentrati sul cliente e basati sui traumi, supporto e formazione a donne emarginate e svantaggiate economicamente.

LWCHC si impegna ad accogliere la diversità ed eliminare ogni forma di discriminazione nella fornitura di servizi sanitari. LWCHC accoglie tutte le donne indipendentemente da etnia, salute mentale, storia di suicidalità, uso di droghe, fede, orientamento sessuale o identità di genere.

Non siamo un centro di consulenza per crisi o un centro di accoglienza. I nostri operatori vedono le donne su appuntamento. Chiamaci per saperne di più o per prenotare un appuntamento: 9560 3011. Se hai una condizione medica urgente, vai direttamente in ospedale o chiama lo 000.

Finanziato da NSW Health


+61 2 9560 3011

Via Thornley 55,
(angolo Cary Street)
Leichhardt Nuovo Galles del Sud 2040

Casella postale 240
Leichhardt Nuovo Galles del Sud 2040

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