Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that is used across the world. It involves very fine needles being inserted at points on the body to address specific health concerns. Treatment does not hurt and is personalised to each client. A typical treatment lasts up to an hour.
Our Acupuncture waitlist is currently closed.
The Centre’s acupuncture clinics are offered twice a week to women experiencing financial hardship.
Clients are eligible to receive a maximum of 20 sessions, after which time they must observe a one-year cooldown period to allow other clients to also access our acupuncture services.
Acupuncture has a long list of benefits. We treat:
Musculoskeletal problems (muscle and joint pain)
Sleep issues
Headaches / migraine
Digestive issues
Reproductive issues including PMS, irregular menses, infertility, menopause
General wellness and emotional balance (stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, low mood)
Refer to our Fees page for billing details
To enquire about treatment, please contact the Centre’s main reception number.
LWCHC 致力于包容多样性,消除医疗服务提供过程中的一切歧视。LWCHC 欢迎所有女性,不论其种族、心理健康状况、自杀史、吸毒史、信仰、性取向或性别认同。
我们不是危机咨询中心或临时求助中心。我们的从业人员会见女性需预约。请致电我们了解更多信息或预约:9560 3011。如果您有紧急医疗状况,请直接去医院或拨打 000。