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Our counselling is a valuable therapeutic process that offers support and guidance to women facing various challenges in life. Through a confidential and collaborative process, counselling can help you explore your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours in a safe, non-judgemental environment, addressing issues like anxiety, depression, relationship conflicts and grief and loss. Counselling empowers you to develop coping skills, gain insight into challenges, and ultimately improve your mental and emotional well-being ….


Nurse Clinics and Talks


Womens Health GP Clinics


Alcohol Nicotine and Other Drugs Services

Women Partners of Men who have Sex with Men

HIV Screening and Testing

Domestic Family and Sexual Violence

We offer several types of counselling:

Intake Counselling:  Intake Counselling has been introduced to ensure our client’s needs are being met in a timely and supportive manner.  Clients who meet our eligibility criteria, including being on an income under $50,000 per annum and who do not have existing mental health support, will be put on the Intake Waiting list. 

An Intake Counsellor will then contact clients to book them in for a 45 minute intake process which will take place over the phone at a suitable and safe time for the client to speak. 

Intake is designed to ensure that the client’s holistic needs are assessed and understood, so that they can be linked to appropriate counselling services or other support at the Centre.  Alternatively, clients will be provided with referral pathways if it is deemed that the Centre is unable to meet their specific needs.

Generalist Counselling:  Generalist counselling covers a broad range of issues. Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre (LWCHC) provide up to 12 confidential sessions of counselling.

LWCHC Generalist Counsellors also provide assessment and referral pathways when required.

Our counsellors can work with you on the following concerns:

  • Mild to moderate anxiety & depression

  • Relationship concerns

  • Grief & Loss

  • Stress Management

  • Domestic & Family Violence

  • Workplace Challenges

  • Health Issues

  • Carer Stress

The beneficial impacts of counselling can be:

  • Improved Mood

  • Improved communication & relationships

  • Promotion of self-esteem & resilience

Counselling for Women Partners of Men who have Sex with Men: Women Partners is a NSW service that offers individual counselling, support groups and Sexual Health information for all women whose partners are Men who have Sex with Men.

For more information Women Partners | NSW Counselling and Support

Counselling for Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs: The Drug and Alcohol Counsellor provides non-judgemental counselling, health education, and referral pathways from a harm minimisation perspective to individuals and in group settings. This work is carried out at the centre, online and in residential rehabilitation services.

Counselling for women who’ve experienced childhood sexual abuse:  Counselling is available two days a week at the centre by Full Stop Australia counsellors. The childhood sexual abuse counselling has an eligibly criteria and assessments are processed through Full Stop Australia, or call 1800 424 017.  

External victim services psychologist Madhu Misra:  Madhu provides counselling which is not limited by the area in which the woman lives. Madhu is experienced in working with women experiencing depression, including postnatal depression, anxiety, domestic and family violence, childhood sexual abuse, alcohol and other drug use, grief and loss and relationship issues. Madhu is registered with Medicare and Victims Services – to see her through Medicare, you will require a referral from a General Practitioner to psychologist Madhu Misra and a Mental Health Plan outlining the health issues. For an appointment with Madhu, text her on 0420 473 644.

We are also able to arrange interpreting services. Let us know your needs when booking your appointment.


Please refer to our Fees page for billing details.

Contact us to make an appointment to see a counsellor.

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Make a Referral

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LWCHC 致力于包容多样性,消除医疗服务提供过程中的一切歧视。LWCHC 欢迎所有女性,不论其种族、心理健康状况、自杀史、吸毒史、信仰、性取向或性别认同。

我们不是危机咨询中心或临时求助中心。我们的从业人员会见女性需预约。请致电我们了解更多信息或预约:9560 3011。如果您有紧急医疗状况,请直接去医院或拨打 000。



+61 2 9560 3011

索恩利街 55 号,
莱卡特 新南威尔士州 2040

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莱卡特 新南威尔士州 2040

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莱卡特妇女社区健康中心 (LWCHC) 承认并尊重 Eora 族的 Gadigal 和 Wangal 族人,他们是我们所在土地的传统守护者。我们承认原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民的文化和精神习俗的延续。LWCHC 支持《发自内心的乌鲁鲁声明》。

© 版权所有 2024 莱卡特妇女社区健康中心。

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