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Nurse Clinics and Talks

Whether you're looking for information on managing chronic conditions, exploring healthier lifestyle choices, or simply staying informed about current health trends, our nurse clinics and community talks provide a valuable opportunity to engage directly with our healthcare professionals in a welcoming and informative setting.



Womens Health GP Clinics



Alcohol Nicotine and Other Drugs Services

Women Partners of Men who have Sex with Men

HIV Screening and Testing

Domestic Family and Sexual Violence

Our Registered Nurse provides both in-person and telehealth appointments.

You can speak with our nurse about:

  • Cervical screening

  • Breast checks

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

  • Pregnancy tests

  • Contraception

  • Fertility

  • Post natal checks

  • Menopause

  • All-options pregnancy counselling

  • Abortion information and referrals

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Quit smoking

  • Weight issues, diabetes, nutrition

  • Cardiovascular health (heart health)

  • Domestic violence 

Who can have an appointment?

Local women can contact us to discuss an appointment with our women’s health nurse.



Please refer to our Fees page for billing details.  Bring your valid Medicare card. Also bring your valid Pensioner Card, Health Care Card, or Full time Student Card if applicable.


Our nurse clinic is located at:

Leichhardt Women’s Community Health Centre – every Friday

55 Thornley Street Leichhardt, NSW 2040

To book an appointment call 9560 3011.

We also offer regular nurse outreach clinics. Please phone our reception team on 9560 3011 or email to see if we offer an outreach clinic near you.


Talks to community groups: 

Our nurse can also come to your community group to give talks on health issues. Topics for talks include sexual and reproductive health, contraception options, safe sex and sexually transmitted infections, healthy hearts/cardiovascular health, preventing diabetes, and healthy relationships to name a few.

To discuss arrangements for a talk to be given to your community group please contact us.

For all enquiries please contact us.

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LWCHC 致力于包容多样性,消除医疗服务提供过程中的一切歧视。LWCHC 欢迎所有女性,不论其种族、心理健康状况、自杀史、吸毒史、信仰、性取向或性别认同。

我们不是危机咨询中心或临时求助中心。我们的从业人员会见女性需预约。请致电我们了解更多信息或预约:9560 3011。如果您有紧急医疗状况,请直接去医院或拨打 000。



+61 2 9560 3011

索恩利街 55 号,
莱卡特 新南威尔士州 2040

邮政信箱 240
莱卡特 新南威尔士州 2040

  • Facebook
莱卡特妇女社区健康中心 (LWCHC) 承认并尊重 Eora 族的 Gadigal 和 Wangal 族人,他们是我们所在土地的传统守护者。我们承认原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民的文化和精神习俗的延续。LWCHC 支持《发自内心的乌鲁鲁声明》。

© 版权所有 2024 莱卡特妇女社区健康中心。

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