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My first interaction with Leichhardt Women’s was in 2013 with the weekly walking group... my first impression of the centre was good and staff gave me friendly information. My current activity is Qi Gong. It’s a really good group, in a lovely space with lovely, likeminded women and I’m enjoying it immensely...

There’s a talk with the gentle exercise and I’ve found it to be very informative. I’ve meditated faithfully for 30 years and experienced enormous changes in my life and to have this extra top-up with Qi Gong has been a surprise.

The staff here are friendly and knowledgeable. They have created a welcoming space of safety and relaxation. With skilled female practitioners who are like-minded and caring, there’s an empathetic dynamic. The Centre meets my needs as a 65 year old woman, body, mind and spirit.

It is quiet, peaceful and not on a main road, so the lack of traffic helps to maintain that peaceful environment. The atmosphere is egalitarian, comfortable and easy going. There’s a greater respect from both staff and clients that I have found lacking elsewhere and I’ve experienced understanding and like-mindedness at this women-only health centre.

Women doctors weren’t around when I was in my 20s so to have them here now is wonderful. Throughout my life, I have found male doctors appalling. I had ongoing cystitis in my 20s which became stressful. I was sent for an x-ray by my male doctor whose only comment on the results was that I had good child-bearing hips. I was unimpressed with his attitude. I’ve never forgotten his words.

In this Centre, the women-only focus offers an essential service for me and I would imagine it’s the same for everyone who comes here. I can’t speak highly enough. I just love it.

“With skilled female practitioners who are like-minded and
caring there’s an empathetic dynamic. The Centre meets my
needs as a 65 year old woman, body, mind and spirit.”




LWCHC 致力于包容多样性,消除医疗服务提供过程中的一切歧视。LWCHC 欢迎所有女性,不论其种族、心理健康状况、自杀史、吸毒史、信仰、性取向或性别认同。

我们不是危机咨询中心或临时求助中心。我们的从业人员会见女性需预约。请致电我们了解更多信息或预约:9560 3011。如果您有紧急医疗状况,请直接去医院或拨打 000。



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